After all the invention of machine that washes clothes, it's really a helpful technology helps those parents who are both working to minimize their time in washing clothes.

But for so many years consumers are asking to also have a machine that can fold clothes. Folding laundry stubbornly remains a job done by hand, item by item. Folding laundry frustrates most everyone. Makers of consumer products, feel the same way.

Now, the problem of folding clothes is over.  Laundroid, a folding machine in development via collaboration between Tokyo-based Seven Dreamers Laboratories Inc., Panasonic Corp. and Daiwa House Industry.

The Laundroid is the size of a refrigerator and takes several hours to fold a load of laundry. Shirts, pants and towels can be dropped into the base of the machine and “overnight” they are folded into a tidy stack, says Panasonic spokesman Jim Reilly. The Laundroid will be initially positioned as a “high-end home appliance” and will be available next year, though price isn't yet determined, Mr. Reilly says.

Gal Rozov founded FoldiMate Inc., a Sunnyvale, Calif., company that developed a folding machine about the size of a washer or dryer for items including shirts, pants and towels. Users clip about a dozen items to the outside of the machine and then each one is pulled inside and folded to a uniform size. Garments can be scented, softened and sanitized when a capsule is inserted, and an optional steam function helps reduce wrinkles. Each item requires about 10 seconds to fold, and de-wrinkling takes about 30 seconds.

Mr. Rozov plans to start taking preorders for the machines early next year, and expects production to start later in 2017. The price will likely range between $700 and $850, about the price of upscale washers and dryers, he says.

“We want to save marriages around the world,” he says.


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